About us

About EOS

European Overstock and Returns Solutions (EOS) is a company specialized in purchasing and selling overstock, warehouse surplus, returns, and graded products in the electronics and clothing business area.

Our primary target is to ensure brand protection, ensuring that products are resold only to authorized customers and in approved countries.

At the same time, EOS is dedicated to sustainability and the circular economy, integrating advanced practices such as electronic product refurbishment.


European Overstock  and returns Solutions stands out as a pan-European pioneer in the overstock and returns industry, ensuring brand protection and embracing sustainability as a central element.

Through the integration of advanced practices, including the use of AI, EOS aims to shape a sustainable and responsible future, demonstrating that the circular economy can coexist with commercial success.


Reduction of electronic waste and promotion of circular economy practices.

CO2 reduction through the implementation of sustainable processes and materials.

Operational Efficiency and Brand Value:

Increased operational efficiency through strategic AI utilization.

Enhanced brand value through a clear commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

We buy Returns and Overstock

We protect your brand

We maximize your profits


Experience in consumer goods


active clients in database

almost 39.000/t

Co2 tons/reduction

Our team

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